Saturday, June 26, 2010

I did it again

Well, I did it again. I wasn't going to. I tried to resist. But, then I read about the Cajun hibiscus. I missed out on the Bellaire Hibiscus sale, I got there 30 minutes after they opened, and there was not a hibiscus to be bought. So, this morning I headed north to the Mercer Summer Plant sale. I purposefully did not bring my wagon in an attempt to keep my purchases to a minimum, I brought a cardboard tray instead. Mercer wasn't nearly as crowded as March Mart, there was plenty of close parking to be had by all and the prices were good. I was lucky enough to get picked up by a volunteer driving a little golf cart type vehicle, she drove me through a back entrance and dropped me at the hibiscus table.

I quickly sized up my choices and picked out the ones I wanted. Floral Fantasy, Voodoo Magic, Heat Flash. 

But, my eyes wandered...oh a brazilian red cloak, I need to replace the one I had that didn't make it through the winter, I'll just get one of those while I'm here. What's that over there? A Blue River Hibiscus, it has large white blooms (I call this one a mallow). This would look great near my maroon mallow. I'll just add that to my cardboard lid. Hmmm, that is interesting. It is called Gold Finger (juanulloa aurantiaca). I like it, and I have one more spot for a pot. Wow, this is getting heavy, my cardboard lid is wet from some of the plants, maybe this wasn't such a good idea. Oh, look there's a tent with native plants, gotta check that out. Whew, small pots, I can stack these on the other ones-a gulf coast penstemon, sasbania drummondii (rattlebrush), and callirhoe involucrata (winecup). Ok, now I gotta get outta here, I can't carry anything else.


  1. Darn, I forgot all about the Mercer sale. Looks like you made out like a bandit :-)

  2. Yeah, I guess I did. Now, I just have to find a place to plant everything. :)
