Monday, March 18, 2013

Starting Over

I’ve hardly written a blog post in over a year. My life started its descent into a sad country song early last year, but I won’t get into the details of that right now. I suppose I can be happy that, at the very least, there was no pickup truck involved.

Oh…wait…yes there was…

In November, my dog Scout and I moved out of the house that is home to the gardens that I poured my heart into for 8 years. I just now looked at those last few pictures I took on my last day at that house. They are all crummy. I guess they are reflective of my mood that day. The last good pictures from the garden were posted in May 2012 on Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, you’ll have to check out that page if you are interested in getting a glimpse at the old gardens.

That statement about pouring my heart into the gardens is true. I know there is a lesson to be learned there. I also pour my heart into my work, my work at an office for a multi-national corporation. Hmm, yes, there is a lesson to be learned. Sometimes when you pour your heart into things instead of the people around you, your life can turn into a sad country song. 

I know many of you gardeners out there are obsessive gardeners. I am one too. However, someone didn’t write the saying, take time to smell the roses for no good reason. And, they also didn’t mean to literally smell the roses! I know what you obsessive types are thinking…but when I am in the garden all weekend, I do smell the roses. LOL

Well, moving on…

My New House
At the beginning of February I moved into a new house in a historic area of Houston. The house was built in 1885 (not exactly new). There is not much here in terms of gardens. However, there is a pretty awesome stand of palm trees. I am getting close to being unpacked and my thoughts are moving toward the garden.

Last May, Scout’s brother Rusty passed away. He was 10 years old and Scout never knew life as an only dog. Now that we have our new yard and new house, it was time to get a new baby brother. Last week, we adopted Bear. He’s 7 years old and is getting along quite nicely in our little family.
Bear is in the foreground and Scout is in the background.
I can’t wait to get started gardening in this new yard. It’s like a blank slate! Stay tuned for all the before pictures. The transformation is beginning!