I’ve been slacking on my blogging duties in favor of actual gardening. Crazy, I know!
Well, 10 yards of dirt, 4 yards of mulch, 2 yards of compost, and 50 plants later, my big spring gardening madness is almost complete.
The massive amount of new beds that I put in this year easily swallowed up my backlog of plants still in their little black pots.
From previous plant sales I planted buttonbush, strawberry bush Euonymus americanus, Blue Emu Eremophila, Chinese Ground Orchid Bletilla striata, Miss Lingard Phlox, Purple Smoke Baptista, Musical Notes Clerodendrum, Fried Egg Tree Gordonia axilarus, Pyramid Bush Melochia tomentosa, Jatropha integerrima, Pavonia peruviensis, hinkley columbine, red cestrum, night blooming white cestrum, and variegated abutilon.
I went to March Mart on Friday (another awesome vacation day spent at a plant sale). My purchases included the following: white variegated brugmansia, magenta firespike, Yellow Bird of Paradise Caesalpinia gilliesii, lemon verbena, almond verbena, sensitive fern, Red Buckeye Aesculus pavia, Two winged silverbell Halesia diptera var. magniflora, Winecup Callirhoe involucrata, butterfly weed, Brunfelsia americana, Pavonia lasiopetala, calibrachoa, & Scutellaria “Purple Fountain’ and ‘Red Fountain’.
I am mainly listing these for my own records, but hopefully you will see these on upcoming Garden Blogger Bloom Day posts.
Here are some wide shots of the gardens right now:
I still have a few things to take care of, like cleaning up that big mess of a compost pile.
Finishing that last flowerbed that popped up out of nowhere.
And I have a few more plants to plant, including 3 citrus and a fig tree that really need to be in the ground now. Then it’s on to 2011 Garden Plan #5 – Stop buying plants that will not be planted right away. Although, there is the upcoming HMNS Butterfly Center Plant Sale…
And, just a reminder, check out my event calendar for local gardening events.
WoW! You have been busy! It's looking good. I love that idea with the blue bottles...like a mini bottle tree. I'm still working on mine.
ReplyDeleteDavid/ Tropical Texana
Thanks! I call it my bottle bush.