Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wordless Wednesday



  1. Ack! Lurker brought out into the light (first time post even though I read your blog regurlarly :D)! What is that plant the butterfly is on? I saw it at this mom and pop nursery, but they couldnt tell me what it was called, let alone growing conditions it would need....

    Alma Delia

  2. Yay!! Nice to meet you Alma. I'm glad you came out of the shadows. ;)

    The flower is a clerodendrum bungei. It is also called a mexican hydrangea or a cashmere bouquet. I talked about it in my Westbury Garden Tour post. It has a tendency to be invasive. It has not been invasive in my yard, but I don't give it very much water, so I think that keeps it in check.

    Although, my neighbor says it's all around her pond (which is about 10 feet away from my planting) so mine might be invading her yard.

  3. Nice shot! Mine are in bloom also, but I haven't had a chance to see if there are butterflies visiting.

    Re: your question about watering...I'm having to water everyday and heavily. I was just spot watering lightly up to this week. It's bad. Hope we get rain tomorrow.
    David/ Tropical Texana/ Houston
