Monday, May 16, 2011

May Garden Bloggers Bloom Day

We had the best weather ever for the middle of May this past weekend. Highs in the mid-80s, lows in the low 60s, this is unheard of in Houston. All weekend long I just kept saying how great the weather was and how freaked out I was by how great the weather was. I spent almost the entire weekend outdoors. This may have been a once in a lifetime opportunity to enjoy Houston weather, cool and without mosquitos in the middle of May, it’s just so weird, it freaks me out writing about it.

Enough about the weather, let’s talk flowers. There are tons of flowers in bloom this Garden Bloggers Bloom Day.

‘Patrcia’ daylily
‘Dark and Handsome’ daylily
Sparkler cleome
Diamond Frost (Euphorbia graminea)
Iochroma cyanea
(Saururus cernuus) Lizard Tail


Other plants blooming are desert rose, torenia, pentas, calibrachoa, hot lips and lipstick salvias, firecracker plant, ice plant, knockouts, red & pink salvia coccinea, butterfly bush (budleia), TX rock rose (pavonia), salvia Indigo Spires, angelonia, purple porterweed, yarrow, gomphrena, butterfly weed, white topped sedge,  spiderwort, clerodendrum bungei, white turk’s cap, black & blue salvia,  batface salvia, chinese indigo (Indigofera kirilowii), gulf coast penstemon.

Just getting started are the chenille plant, Blue Mist flower (ageratum) and mexican bush sage.

Thanks for stopping by. You should wander on over to May Dreams Gardens for more Garden Blogger Bloom Days.


  1. Your blooms are lovely, and I agree that this weather of the last few days has been unbelievable. Somehow I don't think it's going to last so we had best enjoy it while we can - and keep hoping for more rain.

  2. Hasn't it been wonderful? Even this morning I felt like I'd been magically transported to a more hospitable climate!

  3. Those Euphorbia are so that little cloud of white flowers!

  4. I love coming here and seeing what my daughter could be doing - if she chose. Just dripping here.

  5. Blog hopping & just came across your darling gardening blog...I host a garden party on Thursdays & would love to have you link up sometime???? xoxo, tracie
